Ron Silk Wins 52nd Annual NAPA Spring Sizzler

By Scott Running

(Stafford Springs, CT)—Stafford Motor Speedway hosted the rescheduled 2024 NAPA Spring Sizzler®, “The Greatest Race in the History of Spring,” on Friday, May 10th with Open Modified cars. Ron Silk came up the big winner for the second consecutive year, taking home a grand total of $34,750 for his efforts. Silk won his NAPA Qualifying Duel on Saturday, April 27 for $3,500 and combined with his $20,000 winner’s purse plus $11,250 in lap money from May 10th, his grand total comes to $34,750. Silk’s last three Stafford feature victories, the 2022 NAPA Fall Final plus the 2023 and 2024 NAPA Spring Sizzlers®, has seen him and the #16 Haydt-Yannone team take home nearly $100,000 in prize money.

The race took the green flag with Teddy Hodgdon taking the early lead ahead of Matt Swanson, Jon McKennedy and Ronnie Silk. Michael Christopher, Jr. moved from 8th up to 5th on the opening lap and he had Marcello Rufrano, Doug Coby, Max Zachem, Justin Bonsignore, and Ronnie Williams behind him. Swanson took the lead from Hodgdon on lap-4 and Silk took second from Hodgdon on lap-6. Hodgdon slotted into third with McKennedy fourth and Christopher fifth.

Silk powered his way by Swanson and into the lead on lap-8 while the rest of the top-5 remained Swanson, Hodgdon, McKennedy, and Christopher. Coby was now sixth followed by Bonsignore, Woody Pitkat, who was on the charge, Matt Hirschman, and Ronnie Williams. With 15 laps complete it was still Silk in command followed by Swanson, Hodgdon, McKennedy, and Christopher. Noah Korner spun coming out of turn 4 to bring the first yellow flag of the event out with 16 laps complete.

Silk took the lead with Swanson in second back under green but the caution came right back with 17 laps complete as Tommy Barrett, Buddy Charette, and Joey Mucciacciaro got into the turn 3 wall.

On the restart, Nick Halkowicz came to a stop in turn 2 with a flat tire that brought the caution back out before a lap could be completed. The next restart saw Silk again take the lead with McKennedy moving into second. Coby pulled alongside Swanson for third but Swanson was able to hold Coby off. Bonsignore was now fifth behind Coby with Hirschman, Christopher, Pitkat, Hodgdon, and Todd Owen making up the top-10. Halkowicz spun in turn 3 to bring the caution out with 23 laps complete.

Silk powered back into the lead on the restart with McKennedy and Swanson still behind him. Coby was now in fourth with Hirschman in fifth. Bonsignore was sixth but he would lose that position to Pitkat on lap-27. Christopher followed Pitkat by Bonsignore on the following lap but before the lap could be completed the caution flew for a spin in turn 2 by George Bessette, Jr.

Silk took the lead back under green with Swanson getting around McKennedy for second after several laps of wheel to wheel racing. Coby was fourth with Pitkat up to fifth. Hirschman was sixth in line followed by Bonsignore, Christopher, Williams, and Keith Rocco. Chris Pasteryak and Bessette both spun in the middle of turns 3+4 to bring the caution flag back out with 34 laps complete.

Korner spun in turn 1 to bring the caution back out one lap after the restart with Silk still in command and Swanson behind him in second.

Silk completed two more laps before the caution came back out for Bessette, who spun in turn 3 and then Coby and Swanson came together in turn 2 with Coby going around.

The restart saw McKennedy going around in turn 2, which collected several other cars including Hodgdon, before a lap could be completed. Silk took the lead on the next restart with Pitkat working his way around Swanson to move into second. Christopher was fourth with Bonsignore in fifth. Todd Owen was on the move as he took over fifth place on lap-42 and he had Rocco following in his tire tracks as Rocco moved into sixth on lap-44 to drop Bonsignore back to seventh place. Jacob Perry was up to eighth with Stephen Kopcik in ninth and Matt Galko in tenth. Bonsignore’s car dropped off the pace on lap-47 and he limped back to pit road. Galko and Cory DiMatteo took a hard hit into the turn 1 wall to bring the yellow and red flags out with 49 laps complete. Under the caution period, the leaders came to pit road for tires and adjustments with Silk winning the race off pit road followed by Pitkat, Rocco, Coby, Swanson, Williams, Hirschman, Korner, Goodale, Owen, Christopher, Pasteryak, and David Arute.

McKennedy and Perry were the new leaders and they occupied the top-2 spots on the restart while Tommy Barrett, Jr. began to slide backwards as Pitkat took third, Coby fourth, and Williams fifth. Korner was sixth but he would lose that spot to Silk on lap-53 with Owen, Rocco, and Pasteryak rounding out the top-10.

McKennedy was back in command on the restart but Silk was slicing his way through traffic and he retook the lead on lap-60. Pitkat was third behind Silk and McKennedy with Williams and Coby making up the top-5. Swanson was sixth with Rocco, Goodale, Hirschman, and Perry making up the top-10.

With 30 laps to go, it was still Silk out front with McKennedy, Pitkat, Williams, and Swanson giving chase. Rocco was sixth followed by Hirschman, Goodale, Coby, and Pasteryak. Halkowicz brought the caution back out with 81 laps complete with a spin in turn 2.

Silk resumed his place at the front of the pack on the restart with McKenendy holding second and Pitkat third. Swanson was fourth in line with Hirschman, Coby Williams, Rocco, Owen, Kopcik, and Pasteryak lined up behind him. Coby moved into sixth on lap-85 and began to hound Williams for fifth place. Coby’s car dropped off the pace on lap-90 and he slowly brought the car back to pit road.

With 10 laps to go, Silk was starting to stretch out his lead over McKennedy with Pitkat, Swanson, and Williams still making up the top-5. With one lap to go, Williams dropped off the pace and brought his car to pit road. Silk cruised to the checkered flag to win the NAPA Spring Sizzler® and the $20,000 purse that goes along with it for the second consecutive season. McKenendy finished second with Pitkat, Swanson, and Hirschman rounding out the top-5.


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